Over 400 Attend Successful 2016 Savannah Autism Conference

Staff Report From Savannah CEO

Tuesday, March 22nd, 2016

Over 400 people from nine states and Puerto Rico attended the 2016 Savannah Autism Conference, held recently at the Coastal Georgia Center and sponsored by The Matthew Reardon Center for Autism.

Temple Grandin, one of the most well-known and accomplished adults with autism in the world, and Daniel Wendler, a doctoral student at George Fox University who also has autism spectrum disorder, headlined the conference.

“The overwhelming number of people interested in this event demonstrates the desire and crucial need for more education and community information about autism spectrum disorder,” said Patti Victor, president and CEO of The Matthew Reardon Center for Autism.

The conference featured a variety of speakers presenting in-depth workshops addressing issues encountered by family members and caregivers, educators and therapists, and persons on the spectrum. Conference participants gained knowledge of new strategies and various resources to utilize in prompting lifelong social skills development.  Participants also left the conference with enhanced ability to apply new social skill techniques and to view social challenges through a “growth mindset.”

Grandin, a celebrated author and one of a very small number of livestock-handling equipment designers in the world, presented the conference keynote address, Autism Spectrum, sharing some of the challenges autism has presented in her life, acknowledging accomplishments made possible through abilities enhanced by her autism, and touching on recent developments in autism-based research.

Wendler facilitated the Social Skills and Strategies for Teens and Young Adults workshop that attracted more than 250 attendees, 80 of those being teens or adults with autism.  Wendler determined to teach himself social skills on his own after he was diagnosed with Asperger’s Syndrome in high school and today is a published author and social skills coach, providing insights and instruction to people all over the world through his (e)book, Improve Your Social Skills.

This fall, The Matthew Reardon Center for Autism will welcome Dennis Debbaudt as he leads a full day training workshop, Autism Risk and Safety Management.  Debbaudt is the leading global voice on autism training for law enforcement, emergency response and criminal justice personnel.