Savannah Children’s Museum Collaborates with Ronald McDonald House Charities for “Carts with Heart” Program

Staff Report From Savannah CEO

Tuesday, March 1st, 2016

Coastal Heritage Society, in partnership with Ronald McDonald House Charities of the Coastal Empire, has started a new hands-on art education program to be delivered to children receiving medical care at The Children’s Hospital at Memorial Health, called “Carts with Heart.”

Savannah Children's Museum educators will lead academic art activities from a mobile cart for child-patients and their families, providing an opportunity for these children to continue their education through hands-on, creative activities while receiving medical treatment.

The program will take place regularly at The Children’s Hospital at Memorial Health and the family room at the Ronald McDonald House, which provides a place for families to rest, re-charge, and interact. Furthermore, this program is intended to alleviate stress for children and their families by providing quality time together that is not focused on the child’s illness.

“The staff at The Children’s Hospital at Memorial Health and the RMHC of Coastal Georgia are dedicated to ensuring resources, support, and comfort to every sick child and their families throughout their stay or visit to the hospital,” said Jessica Paterson, Savannah Children’s Museum’s Operations Supervisor. “Savannah Children’s Museum is proud to work alongside our partners and assist them in providing an educational and creative outlet to the children and their families at Memorial. We are thrilled to have the opportunity to continue to positively impact the lives of children in our community.”

“Partnerships in the community where we serve the same families and ideals are the most important. I can think of no three better organizations that do amazing things each and every day for our community’s children and families than the Savannah Children’s Museum, The Children’s Hospital at Memorial Health and the Ronald McDonald House Charities here in Savannah,” said Bill Sorochak, Executive Director of RMHC.

The “Carts with Heart” program will serve small groups and individuals, depending on the occupancy of the Ronald McDonald House Family Room and the pediatrics ward. Each art education program will be geared towards children between the ages of 4 and 12 and the anticipated number to be served throughout the year will be approximately 3,000 people or more. “Carts with Heart” is provided through generous support from the Arts Ashore Legacy Fund grant through The Savannah Community Foundation.