The Savannah Mall Welcomes Students’ Exhibit in Celebration of Youth Art Month

Staff Report From Savannah CEO

Thursday, March 3rd, 2016

The Savannah Mall will showcase students’ works of art during the month of March, in recognition of National Youth Art Month. Projects created by students from 53 area schools will be displayed in the Dillard’s Court from Saturday, March 5 to Sunday, March 27.

YAM is an annual observance each March in an effort to emphasize the value of art and art education for all children and to encourage public support for quality school art programs. The theme of this year’s event is “Save the Earth!”

The exhibit at Savannah Mall will be unveiled with an opening ceremony on Saturday, March 5 at 12 p.m. During the ceremony, The Troubadours, an all male quartet from Windsor Forest High School will be led by Choral Director Mel Whitehead. Additionally, performances will feature the New Hampstead High School Chorus, led by Choral Director Erica Cahall; Woodville Tompkins High School Chorus, led by Choral Director Justin Davis; and Hodge Elementary School Chorus, led by Choral Director Alucia Walton. The performances will take place between 12:15 p.m. and 2 p.m.

“A well rounded education is dependent upon a background laced with artistic experiences,” said Catriona Schaefer, teacher specialist for visual arts with Savannah Chatham County Public Schools. “The arts are a way for people of any culture to communicate and connect with one another. Practicing a form of art helps to develop critical thinking, problem solving skills, and promotes active and complex learning.”

Established in 1961, YAM provides a forum for acknowledging skills that are not possible in other subjects. The Council for Art Education, a sponsor of Youth Art Month, strives to promote that art education develops self-esteem, appreciation of the work of others, self-expression, cooperation with others, and critical thinking skills. March is also “Music in Our Schools” month.

The Youth Art Month exhibit at the Savannah Mall will remain on display until Sunday, March 27.