United WebWorks Launches State-of-the-Art Website for Cathedral of Saint John the Baptist

Staff Report From Savannah CEO

Thursday, March 17th, 2016

United WebWorks, a full-service web development and Internet marketing provider, recently launched a new website for the Cathedral of Saint John the Baptist. The new website was specifically created to bring together the Cathedral’s two existing websites into one functional e-commerce hub with modern functionality, attracting new members and sharing the unique community of the parish.

United WebWorks team members thoughtfully designed the website with two key goals in mind: to reduce the Cathedral’s workload by streamlining forms, ticket and retail sales into a functional e-commerce hub; as well as to grow the Cathedral’s parish by increasing their presence to locals and tourists alike with eye-catching visuals and attention grabbing music unique to the parish.

"Our church was in search of a local web design company that would guide us through the development journey and provide on-going support and training,” said Catherine Kostilnik, website committee lead at Cathedral of Saint John the Baptist.  “We were so delighted with United WebWorks from our first meeting.  They helped us create our vision for the new site that surpassed our expectations. With their help, our ideas for a beautiful and functional site came to fruition. They provide incomparable customer service."