Mercer University School of Medicine to Hold Inaugural Day of Service at Moses Jackson Advancement Center in Savannah

Staff Report From Savannah CEO

Friday, April 1st, 2016

The Mercer University School of Medicine Savannah campus will hold its inaugural Day of Service on April 2, 10 a.m.-2 p.m., at Moses Jackson Advancement Center.

The Day of Service will take place in conjunction with the medical school’s Distinction in Service to the Community program from 9-10 a.m. at the William and Iffath Hoskins Center for Biomedical Research on the campus of Memorial University Medical Center.

After students make presentations on their recent service projects as part of the DISC program, they will travel from the Hoskins Center to Moses Jackson Advancement Center, located at 1410B Richards St., for volunteer work. Activities will include planting the garden, free health screenings, general maintenance, children’s activities and a membership drive for the center.

Second-year medical student Laurel DuVall conceptualized the event based upon her experiences as an undergraduate on Mercer’s Macon campus participating in the University’s annual “Be a Good NeighBEAR” service day.

“This program is designed to give students an opportunity to see the need in the community and be the positive change,” said DuVall. “We want students to understand their community better and see how service can truly change people’s lives.”

Fellow second-year medical student Calvin Cantrell has been working alongside DuVall to plan the Day of Service.

“We believe that taking Mercer students out of their familiar surroundings and allowing them to see areas of need will spark a sense of compassion and duty that will allow this program to continue,” said Cantrell.