DRT America Conductes Groundbreaking Ceremony

Staff Report From Savannah CEO

Thursday, April 7th, 2016

DRT, a French-based chemical manufacturer, conducted a groundbreaking ceremony earlier this week in Effingham County for DRT America, LLC, its first plant in the United States. About 75 guests attended the event.

DRT utilizes rosin and turpentine extracted from pine trees to produce products that are found in more than 250 items used by consumers. These include ingredients found in fragrances, adhesives, chewing gum, rubber, ink, varnish and paint.

The 12-acre plant, with state-of-the-art safety and pollution controls, will be built on 62 acres in the Effingham County Industrial Park and will initially employ 30-40 people. The location was selected for proximity to sources of raw materials for the benefit of a reduced ecological footprint. The expected completion date is spring 2017.

“This is an excellent site and we are very pleased that we were able to locate such an excellent company as DRT to build on it,” said John Henry, CEO of the Effingham County Industrial Development Authority. “This project represents not only a new, high-skilled industry locating in Effingham County, but it will also operate as DRT America, LLC’s U.S. headquarters. We are very proud to have them as a new corporate citizen.”

Corey Schneider, president of DRT America, LLC, said the company’s philosophy is founded on good corporate citizenship. “DRT takes pride in being a responsible business. Our development is based on three core values; acting ethically, behaving responsibly, and demonstrating respect for people and the environment. We’re pleased to be opening in Rincon. We were impressed by the county’s efforts in workforce development and we appreciate the support and cooperation we’ve received on the local and state levels.”