The Fiber Guild of the Savannahs Presents An Opening Night & Dedication April 15th

Staff Report From Savannah CEO

Monday, April 11th, 2016

Savannah, The Fiber Guild of the Savannahs is pleased to announce the dedication of a Fiber Arts installation, “Oatland’s Mighty Oak”, at Oatland Island Wildlife Center.  The dedication ceremony will be held on Friday, April 15th from 5:00 p.m. until 7 p.m.  “Oatland’s Might Oak” was begun in the Spring of 2013 and made possible through the generosity of Kickstarter donors.  The idea of the sculpture evolved through the necessity of having a piece that would enhance the acoustics of the grand lobby in Oatland’s Visitors Center.  Visitors look wide-eyed as they enter the Visitors Center when they see this wonderful, whimsical tree with all its color, texture and creativity.  Everything in and on the tree was made by a Guild member and features many of the different Fiber Arts techniques, such as spinning, weaving, knitting, felting, quilting and crocheting.  The tree is refuge to many animals as well! A cougar is seen resting on its branches while squirrels, birds and butterflies go about their business. There is even a lost kite hanging from its limbs! 

In addition to the dedication that evening, the Guild will be having their opening for the month-long Fiber Guild Annual Show and Sale.  Oatland’s Visitor Center hallway will be the gallery that will show off the many talents of the Guild members.  Refreshments will be served during this Opening Night Dedication.  

The Fiber Guild of the Savannahs has been a partner with Oatland Island Wildlife Center for decades.  The Guild members volunteer to conduct demonstrations during Oatland’s annual Harvest Festival and Cane Grinding in the Fall, and their annual Sheep to Shawl Festival held in the Spring.  After the renovation of the Visitor’s Center, aka Main Building, the Guild wanted to contribute something to Oatland that would showcase their talents as well as their partnership with Oatland.