Spring Into Making: Class Launch Event at Maven Makers

Staff Report From Savannah CEO

Monday, April 18th, 2016

Local makerspace startup, Maven Makers will be offering Savannah’s maker community a whole new toolset for making through a new class schedule launch that is open to the public on May 7, from 4:30pm-7:30pm at Maven Makers, 415 W Boundary St.

Chances are, the average viewer of Pinterest will have one if not all of these four reactions to a post they have viewed: 1. Wow! That is beautiful! 2. I wonder how they made that? 3. I wish I could make that. 4. Why didn’t I think of that? I totally could’ve made that! The reality is everyone could make something they have seen on Pinterest. Really. Everyone. The four largest hurdles people face when getting to that next step after they find something they want to design or make are equipment, space, training, and time. Maven Makers, a makerspace, is a local solution to this problem here in Savannah, GA to help makers of every background and ability to eliminate all of these hurdles and help everyone see that they too can truly say, “I’M A MAKER”.

Debuting on May 7 from 4:30pm-7:30pm, Maven Makers launch event is promoting it’s new class schedule which will include woodworking, electronics, 3D printing, 3D modeling, jewelry, programming/coding, sewing, and more. The event, “Spring Into Making: Class Launch Event” will give its attendees free demos, food, drinks, and offer a silent auction of all locally handmade goods. If you like the demo you are watching at the event, then sign up on the spot for the next available class! Registration is free at www.mavenmakers.com and if you sign up by April 29 you will receive a voucher for two maker bucks to go towards any product sold by a vendor at the event. Local vendors at the event will selling jewelry, woodwork, ceramics, and other handmade crafts.