Visit Savannah and Visit Tybee Receive Local and District ADDY Awards

Staff Report From Savannah CEO

Wednesday, April 13th, 2016

Visit Savannah’s “Savannah Hauntings” video series and Visit Tybee’s “Fall is Summer’s Encore” video were selected as recipients for local and district American Advertising Awards last week.
The Savannah Hauntings video series received a gold local ADDY Award for internet commercial campaign and was chosen as the judges’ Professional Best in Show. The Summer’s Encore video received two local ADDY awards—a gold for cinematography and a silver for internet commercial—and a silver award at the district level.
“We are very proud and grateful for the attention that these campaigns are receiving and for the awards to recognize our work,” said Joseph Marinelli, Visit Savannah president. “We are also extremely appreciative of our partnerships with local vendors that do a great job helping showcase the Savannah and Tybee Island experiences.”
Visit Savannah worked with Spyhop Brand Video to create its haunted video series, which launched in summer 2015 to promote paranormal elements of the city to visitors. Filmed in black and white, the videos share Savannah’s ghost stories with viewers while showing landmarks highlighted in them. Since the videos were posted on Facebook and YouTube last summer, they have been viewed a cumulative 446,049 times.
“We knew visitors would love the Savannah Hauntings video series because we’re always asked about the city’s popular ghost tours. The fact that the judges said the videos had flawless execution and that they wished they had worked on the project really shows just how captivating Savannah’s haunted history is,” said Jeremy Harvey, Visit Savannah vice president of marketing.
Visit Tybee and Ninety-Eight Productions created the Summer’s Encore video as a digital advertising campaign to inspire travel to Tybee during fall. Highlights of Tybee’s attractions are shown in the video, and a voiceover shares information on visiting Tybee in the fall.  The video received more than 30,000 views through the digital campaign and resulted in more than 1,000 clicks to Over 89,000 views of the video occurred on Facebook.
"Winning these awards is special to us because it reaffirms our efforts to produce the best possible marketing campaigns to promote visitation on Tybee Island.  The Summer's Encore video was the key piece of a campaign designed to extend the already popular summer travel season," said Sara Lane, Visit Tybee director.