Armstrong State University Named One of the Nation’s Top 100 Military Spouse Friendly Schools

Staff Report From Savannah CEO

Monday, May 16th, 2016

Armstrong State University has been named to the inaugural list of the Top 100 Military Spouse Friendly Schools by Victory Media, the publisher of Military Spouse, G.I. Jobs and STEM Jobs. Victory Media analyzed universities around the country, based on various criteria, including graduation and employment outcomes, military support on campus and military spouse policies.

“This is the sixth time Armstrong has been recognized with a military friendly-related designation this academic year,” notes Armstrong’s Military Education Coordinator Phil Gore. “It’s a testament to the university’s efforts to provide a learning environment that offers the best opportunity for service members, veterans and their families to succeed.”

Military Spouse noted that 42 of the 100 schools on the list have scholarships specifically designed for military spouses. One year ago, the Landings Military Family Relief Fund and Armstrong established a scholarship program that provides military spouses with two-year funding to help them complete their degrees.

“Armstrong has been extremely friendly towards the military and military families,” notes Lou Molella, co-founder, past-chairman and member of the board of directors for the Landings Military Family Relief Fund. “We feel very comfortable working with Armstrong and consider the university to be a strong community partner.”

Armstrong offers a Green Zone initiative to support active duty military students and veterans on campus and waives all mandatory fees for active duty military. The university is also part of a network that guarantees transferability of credits for military students, provides in-state tuition for members of the military and their families and offers college credit for military experience.

“Military spouses deserve to be recognized and supported for the sacrifices they make every day,” says Armstrong President Linda M. Bleicken. “We are grateful for their support and are honored to help them achieve their educational goals.”

In addition to Armstrong’s main campus in Savannah, degree opportunities are also offered at the Armstrong Liberty Center in Hinesville. The Armstrong Liberty Center extends opportunities for the military community and other citizens in Hinesville to pursue higher education and earn college degrees in key fields in Liberty County.