Art Rise Savannah Announces Exhibition Fellowship at Non-Fiction Gallery

Staff Report From Savannah CEO

Wednesday, May 4th, 2016

Art Rise Savannah is pleased to announce the call for submissions to our 2016 Summer Fellowship position at Non-Fiction Gallery. This 3 month program includes mentoring, professional development, and exhibition opportunities at Art Rise Savannah’s, Non-Fiction Gallery.

Each Fellowship takes place over a three month period and includes two main events: 1) a solo exhibition, and 2) a workshop put on for the benefit of the public arts community that consciously engages and betters the Chatham County public. In return for their time and collaboration with Art Rise Savannah and Non-Fiction Gallery, the selected artist will receive a one week exhibition rental in the gallery to display work and present a workshop.

The Fall Fellowship, with an application deadline of July 15th, 2016, will take place August 2016 through October 2016 with an exhibition opening on October 28th and a workshop taking place on October 29th, 2016. All artists over 18 years of age and living in Chatham County during the time of the proposed Fellowship is welcome to apply.

The selection panel will look for artists who have demonstrated artistic achievement and provide high quality work, have the potential to grow and advance in their artistic career during the fellowship period, and have the potential to impact or enhance the community.

Fellowships are intended to enable working and student artists the opportunity to learn gallery and arts organization practices, as well as the chance to present their work as a solo exhibition in a gallery setting complete with an opening reception. Fellows will be required to complete the following during their 3-month long Fellowship with Non-Fiction Gallery:

-monthly blog posts contributing to the Savannah Art Informer (also a program of Art Rise Savannah)

-a body of work to be presented in the gallery for an exhibition

-the creation and execution of a public arts workshop

-5 hours a week helping out in the gallery - either docent, install, deinstall, or opening reception duty, as requested by the Exhibitions Director.

To apply to a Fellowship position, please visit the Art Rise Savannah website, pay the application fee, and upload the following application materials at: on or before July 15th, 2016:

-Fellowship time period choice; You must specify which Fellowship period you are applying for
artist CV

-a portfolio of previous work completed

-a statement regarding the work you would like to complete during this fellowship

-a statement regarding the workshop you would like to create, produce, and execute during this fellowship with any and all details.

*Fellowship proposals that consider problems/issues facing Savannah as well as an answer or possible solution to those problems/issues will be given priority for consideration by the committee.