Holy Trinity Announces 4th Annual Spring Musical - Bibliolandra

Staff Report From Savannah CEO

Monday, May 2nd, 2016

Over 40 Holy Trinity Classical Christian School students will be performing in the 4th Annual Spring Musical, Bibliolandra, on May 13 & 14 at 6:00pm at the USCB Center for the Arts located on 801 Carteret Street.
A tale about a dedicated book-lover searching for an appropriate gift for his hopelessly addicted video-gaming best friend, Bibliolandra explores the notion of books and screens colliding as the main characters journey to the “Beyond,” exploring hidden meanings of our pastimes, battling dastardly villains, and desperately searching for the ‘perfect present’…before it’s too late.”

Holy Trinity second grade teacher, Elizabeth Booman, was inspired to write and direct Bibliolandra by the “…buzzing, flashing, ringing world of the 21st century, where our eyes are often glued to a screen and our thoughts are often shattered and scattered by the pulsing, dizzying light.” She ascertains, “We live in a state of perpetual, yet seemingly innocent, distraction.”

As headmaster of a classical school, Rev. Chad E. Lawrence brings an interesting perspective to the timely conversation of literature vs. videogames. “We are confronted daily with this battleground of screens versus books, and Bibliolandra is a wonderful celebration of the power of the written word throughout the ages." Booman concludes, “Nothing yanks our heads up and our hearts awake more than books. They remind us of the epic nature and majesty of this life and the tragedy of it being wasted.”

A family friendly musical, Bibliolandra is likely to spark conversations about this timely topic in numerous households. Tickets can be purchased for $5 by calling 843-522-0660 before 3:00pm on Friday, May 13. They will also be available at the door on a space available basis. For additional ticket information, please contact [email protected].