Richmond County Schools Show Improvement in 2015 CCRPI

Staff Report From Savannah CEO

Wednesday, May 4th, 2016

The Richmond County School System showed an overall increase of 1.5 points in the 2015 College and Career Readiness Performance Index. Despite the increased rigor of the Georgia Milestones Assessment System, 28 schools increased their CCRPI scores, including all high schools. According to Superintendent Dr. Angela D. Pringle, “We are proud of the growth shown by our schools in the first year of a more rigorous assessment. We anticipate that this trend will continue as we implement measures to address student achievement gaps”.

Goshen Elementary, A. Brian Merry Elementary, and Barton Chapel Elementary showed tremendous improvement in their CCRPI scores. Elizabeth Schad, principal of A. Brian Merry Elementary, attributed the success to the entire school taking ownership of the work of student learning. Scores indicated that teachers are utilizing data to personalize the curriculum for students and simultaneously closing the achievement gap. Extensive professional learning opportunities have been provided and the teachers at these schools have shown an immense dedication to meet students’ needs. Maintaining a focus on graduation even at the earliest grades is part of the school system’s strategic plan and each elementary school supports this through a series of career cluster lessons targeted for each grade level.

At the high schools, these scores can be attributed to the increase in graduation rate and improved academic achievement. Graduation rates increased dramatically last year due to many factors including a robust intervention plan allowing students to stay on track and graduate on time. The Performance Learning Center and our community partners, such as Communities in Schools, also supported the effort to keep students focused on graduation.