Running Starts at 50: Local Businesswoman Runs Her First Boston Marathon

Staff Report From Savannah CEO

Thursday, May 5th, 2016

Age is just a number, especially if you have the right attitude. Just ask Pam Howe, Vice President of Accounting at Bernard Williams & Company. Howe, who began running just three years ago at age 50, completed her first Boston Marathon.

“I truly had an amazing experience and I am so grateful to have been a part of this iconic race, ” Howe said.  “The main thing I wanted was to have fun, enjoy the excitement of this prestigious race and make my family and friends proud. My time was only about three minutes shy of a personal record, so for that I am very happy!” Her husband, Phillip and son, Jeremy, a United States Marine, were her Boston support crew.  Daughter Tiffany, a law enforcement officer, unfortunately had to miss this race “and she was with me in spirit,” Howe said.

Howe ran her first 5k in 2013 at the urging of her son, and noted, “When he suggested I run a 5k, I laughed.” For years, Howe had walked daily with her dog, Rebel. When Rebel was slowing down and no longer able to keep pace, Howe started walking alone.

“The walk was boring alone, so I began to ‘jog’ and that jog grew into a run,” Howe explained.

“I was amazed at my finish time and thought, ‘that’s not so bad. I can do this!’” Howe then tried 10k, 15k, and half marathon, completing her first marathon eight months later, at the 2013 Savannah Rock n Roll Marathon.

Next was the 2014 Marine Corps Marathon in Washington D.C. Howe chose this race because her son is a Marine and she wanted to run in his honor.  “I proudly wore his photo pinned to my back with ‘Proud Mom of a U.S. Marine’ written on it,” Howe said, adding, “I trained hard for the race in hopes of qualifying for the Boston Marathon.  It was only my second marathon, but I had confidence in my training.” In 2015, she ran the Skidaway Island Marathon and the New York City Marathon. Her 18 weeks of training for the Boston Marathon started in mid-December following a Hanson's Coaching Services, Boston Marathon Specific Plan. 

Howe added, “I am truly grateful for my work family at Bernard Williams & Company. They have known me since I first started running,” she said. “Without their understanding and support, my competition would not be possible.  They have known me since my first day of running and witnessed my progression.”