SCORE Savannah Receives Designation as Platinum Chapter

Staff Report From Savannah CEO

Monday, May 9th, 2016

SCORE Savannah has been designated a Platinum chapter by the District Director, Art Slotkin. This recognition is client centered and given to the top performing SCORE chapters out of 300 nationally. In order to receive the recognition, the SCORE chapter must meet expected standards, exceed them and exceed the chapters’ prior years’ performance.

SCORE national is a non-profit organization funded by congressional grants and private donations. All 370 chapters and 11200 members nationwide are dedicated to serving small businesses by providing no-fee mentoring and business counseling. Their mission is: foster vibrant small business communities through mentoring and education.

In 2015 Savannah SCORE mentors devoted 2342 total client service hours and conducted 23 total workshops to a total of 588 attendees. In addition, they also hosted the State of Small Business and the frequent Boots to Business program for Veterans.

SCORE Savannah received this recognition for not only meeting and exceeding the professional standards expected of them, but also for the outstanding feedback that was received from their clients in their volunteer performance reviews.

“Our clients deserve platinum level guidance for all they do for our community, and for the smiles on their faces by living their small business dreams” said Bill Izzard, current chapter president.

The award was presented on May 4, at the annual State of Small Business conference. Art Slotkin, Georgia District Director, SCORE presented the Platinum Chapter award to the current chapter president, Bill Izzard, who proudly presented it to Gary Johnson, the chapter president under whose leadership the chapter was designated Platinum.

The STATE OF SMALL BUSINESS, presented by SCORE and Wells Fargo, will be held on Wednesday, May 4 from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. at the Savannah International Trade and Convention Center, located at 1 International Drive. During the FREE conference, reports will be issued by 10 area experts that will have 3 minutes each to present their information on measurable benchmarks relating to Savannah’s small business community.
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