United WebWorks Overhauls Existing Website for Massachusetts Institute of Technology’s Endicott House

Staff Report From Savannah CEO

Thursday, May 12th, 2016

United WebWorks, a full-service web development and Internet marketing provider, recently redesigned an existing website for Massachusetts Institute of Technology’s Endicott House.  MIT approached United WebWorks specifically because the existing website was failing to attract traffic and in turn convert the audience into new revenue after many attempts with other companies across the U.S.

United WebWorks team members methodically redesigned the website with three critical goals in mind: to increase traffic to MIT’s Endicott House website, convert the new audience into new revenue, as well as provide total vendor independence.

"We are beyond thrilled that MIT chose us over all the vendors in larger cities,” said Andrew Reilley, CEO of United WebWorks.  “Savannah can compete nationally and we want to help lead that charge."

Later this year, UWW will continue to work with MIT’s Endicott House by beginning a comprehensive inbound marketing program orchestrating all social media, search and email marketing efforts.