Art Rise Receives $10,000 Georgia Council for the Arts Grant

Staff Report From Savannah CEO

Thursday, July 7th, 2016

Art Rise Savannah is excited to announce it’s been awarded a $10,000 Project Grant from the Georgia Council on the Arts for our programs including the First Friday Art March, Non-Fiction Gallery, and the Savannah Art Informer. The awarded grant will be used to increase the capacity, awareness, and impact of theses three programs in 2017. This is the second grant Art Rise has received from the GCA.

“I couldn’t be more proud of our team here at Art Rise for securing this funding for the arts here in Savannah,” said Clinton Edminster, Executive Director of Art Rise. “We are incredibly excited to be able to offer increased programming for the community in 2017 and we now have the state arts council to thank for that. We are ramping up on all levels and financial stability is key to creating an organization that is both dynamic in its response and consistent in it’s goals. This grant demonstrates once more that we are headed in the right direction with the right steps.”

The GCA’s Grant Panel commended Art Rise Savannah, “for bringing arts experiences to underserved communities and advancing the concept of developing a creative economy” as well as “their resourcefulness and recognition for strong administrative support in order to fulfill the mission.”