City of Richmond Hill Announces New Mobile App

Staff Report From Savannah CEO

Wednesday, July 20th, 2016

The City of Richmond Hill recently launched a mobile app that will serve as a one-stop shop for users to access news, report maintenance issues, pay bills, apply for jobs and be notified of emergency or traffic situations, among other features. The app, which is free to download and is listed in the app store on Apple or Android systems as “City of Richmond Hill,” will help residents save time and improve efficiency.  

“The City of Richmond Hill continues to advance and keep up with the most popular trends, all while enhancing community engagement,” said Ursula Lee, city clerk. “We are actively working on keeping everything up to date and providing the best resources to our residents.”

The app will connect users to a number of assets, including the City’s social media sites, local business listings, and contact information for the Mayor and City Council, the Fire Department and the Police Department. Updates will automatically sync and push notifications will ensure users will receive updates across all of their mobile devices.  

The mobile app launch is part of the City’s efforts to enhance mobile communications. The next phase will include a website redesign to enhance interactivity and incorporate responsive design, an approach to web design that allows web pages to be viewed in response to the size of the device one is viewing with.