Fox & Weeks Presents Matthews Children’s Foundation Grants to Local Children’s Charities

Staff Report From Savannah CEO

Friday, July 15th, 2016

Fox & Weeks Funeral Directors presented $1,000 Matthews Children’s Foundation grants to The Matthew Reardon Center for Autism, Tybee Fresh Air Home and Royce Learning Center in June.

Fox & Weeks has now awarded more than $25,000 in Matthew’s Children’s Foundation grants since 2012. Each time a family purchases a casket at Fox & Weeks, a portion of the cost is donated to the Matthews Children’s Foundation in the name of the deceased and the accumulated funds are distributed quarterly through an application process to area non-profits benefitting children and children’s causes. 

The Matthew Reardon Center for Autism is dedicated to the care and education of children with Autism Spectrum Disorders, and the grant money will be used to purchase “build it yourself” computers and other STEM materials for the unique needs of Reardon Center’s students. Through free advocacy services, the advanced academy, and community outreach the Matthew Reardon Center provides support that enhance the quality of life for children on the autism spectrum and their families.

The Fresh Air Home is a Savannah tradition dating back to 1897 and remains dedicated to improving the lives of underprivileged youth. Every summer, The Fresh Air Home is opened for eight weeks, and each child is able to spend 11 days enjoying the ocean, salt air, playing on the beach and supervision by counselors of strong character.