Historical Society of Richmond Hill Launches Historical Writers Guild

Staff Report From Savannah CEO

Wednesday, July 6th, 2016

In an effort to motivate, inspire, and promote camaraderie within the writing community, the Historical Society of Richmond Hill announces the launch of a Historical Writers Guild. The first meeting will be held Monday, July 11, from 7 to 9 p.m. at the Richmond Hill History Museum located at 11460 Ford Avenue.

David and Dottie Kennedy, members of the Historical Society, created the HWG to be a community of Richmond Hill and Savannah-area writers whose purpose is to support each other in the author’s craft and writing career.  

“The HWG will strive to unite writers, authors, agents, and publishers for mutual benefit to provide multi-media works which capture historical lifestyles and cultures to educate as well as entertain,” said David Kennedy.

The HWG will endeavor to offer a variety of programs for both published and unpublished writers to promote historical fiction and creative non-fiction. All compatible and cross-genre works to historical writing are welcome. HWG is also open to hobbyist writers to enjoy a relaxed and fun environment.

Annual dues will be $20 per writer and will include an individual membership to the society. Membership includes free admission to the Richmond Hill History Museum, lectures, and discounts in the museum gift shop. Members also receive a discount on conferences, workshops, and learning sessions, as they develop.

Meetings will be held the second and fourth Mondays of each month from 7 to 9 p.m. Please bring a sample of your writing to share with the group. To register for the first meeting or for more information, contact [email protected] or Dottie Kennedy at 713.907.8627.