Park Place Outreach Youth Emergency Shelter Announces New Board Member, Alfred D. McGuire, Jr.

Staff Report From Savannah CEO

Wednesday, July 27th, 2016

Alfred D. McGuire, Jr., has been named to the Board of Directors at Park Place Outreach Youth Emergency Shelter, the only Savannah area shelter providing a safe and loving environment to homeless, abused and runaway teenagers between the ages of 11 and 17.

McGuire is the principal of Woodville Tompkins Technical and Career High School. He is also philanthropically active with Urban Hope Savannah, George Leile Visions, Alpha Phi Alpha, and Achievers of Today and Tomorrow. He was awarded the coveted 100 Black Men Educational Leadership Award.

In reference to this new position, McGuire said, “
I enjoy the opportunity to assist young people to grow and develop into productive members of society. The ability to impact an individual’s life beyond the classroom is a great opportunity and responsibility that I enjoy very much.”

McGuire is from Lithonia, Ga. and attended Mercer University. He and his wife, Kimberly, have a young son, Isaiah. When McGuire isn’t working or volunteering, he enjoys running and traveling.

All services at Park Place Outreach are provided free, including a safe, secure place to stay along with meals and transportation to and from school. The staff also offers family counseling with follow-up visits after a resident returns home, as well as non-resident services including an after-school tutorial and drop-in center, recreational services and after-care services.