Savannah Yoga Center Presents $2,047 to the Lowcountry Down Syndrome Society

Staff Report From Savannah CEO

Friday, July 8th, 2016

The Lowcountry Down Syndrome Society received a $2,047 donation from the Savannah Yoga Center in support of the non-profit organization’s program and educational endeavors. LDSS is a family support group to benefit people with Down syndrome and their families through a variety of efforts.

“We greatly appreciate this generous gift from the Savannah Yoga Center,” said Joe Marchese, Immediate Past President of LDSS. “This type of public support means so much toward getting our message of inclusion and acceptance for families with Down syndrome in the area by helping to fund programs such as our Camp Buddy.”

Since 2003, the Savannah Yoga Center, located at 1319 Bull St. in Savannah, has provided a diverse offering of yoga workshops and training. Their mission is to be a community-oriented center for all ages and abilities. Every six months, Savannah Yoga Center teams up with a local non-profit organization to bring awareness and help raise funds for the group. Donations are raised through community classes, special events and YOGA FEST Raffles.