ATDC Savannah Announces Applications are Open for Startup Boot Camp

Staff Report From Savannah CEO

Friday, August 5th, 2016

The Advanced Technology Development Center at Georgia Tech-Savannah has announced applications are being accepted for its fall 2016 lineup for Startup Boot Camp. The boot camp, an interactive program that will help entrepreneurs identify and vet their target customer segments, articulate the value proposition, make financial projections, and prepare them to meet with investors, will run for eight weeks from August 23 through October 13.
“We are excited to help entrepreneurs plan and launch their products through interactive workshops and mentor sessions,” said Yvonne Jouffrault, Savannah entrepreneur-in-residence. “We have some great and experienced mentors coming to each workshop and this program will be very beneficial and significant to everyone who attends.”
Any Savannah-area founders of product and technology startups who are actively building their companies are invited to participate in the workshops, which will take place Tuesdays at 10 a.m., with coffee and conversation prior, at the Creators Foundry at 415 W. Boundary Street in Savannah. At completion of the boot camp, graduates will showcase at the Savannah Demo Day and pitch to investors from the entire region. The workshop schedule is as follows:
August 23, 2016
Customer Discovery Part 1: Identify Your Target Customers and Value Proposition
August 29, 2016
Customer Discovery Part 2: Validate Target Customers
September 6, 2016
Business Model Canvas Part 1: How to Reach and Acquire Customers (Channels)
September 13, 2016
Business Model Canvas Part 2: Complete Product Roadmap and Business Model
September 20, 2016
Financial Literacy (Open to all ATDC members)
September 27, 2016
Executive Summary
October 3, 2016
Elevator Pitch
October 11, 2016
Investor Pitch Preparation
October 13, 2016
Savannah Startup Demo Day and Bootcamp Graduate Pitches
Boot camp mentors include Austin Miller, serial entrepreneur with multiple successful exits and former product marketing executive at Apple; Ray Crowell, principle with Humble Ventures:; Blake Ellis, serial entrepreneur and software guru; Kirby Sisk, product lifecycle consultant at Accenture; and Kate Bagoy, full stack UI/UX designer and sometimes founder. There is no cost for the boot camp. For more information and to apply, please visit or email Yvonne Jouffrault, Savannah entrepreneur-in-residence, at [email protected]. Applications are now being accepted.