City Employee Named Solid Waste Manager of the Year

Staff Report From Savannah CEO

Monday, August 22nd, 2016

Travis Dawn, City of Savannah Landfill Administrator, was recently named the American Public Works Association Georgia Chapter 2016 Solid Waste Manager of the Year.

The selection of Travis Dawn for this reward recognizes the multitude of successes and achievements during his tenure as the Landfill Administrator for the City of Savannah. In Dawn’s role with the City, he is recognized as a leader, innovative problem solver, and a fierce advocate for resource conservation.

“Travis Dawn consistently exemplifies the essential leadership and management skills necessary to provide the best quality of services for our citizens,” said Gene Prevatt, City of Savannah Sanitation Bureau Chief. “I can truly say without any reservation, that in my 35 years of public works service I have never had the privilege of working with a more dedicated, resourceful, innovative, or cheerful public servant than Mr. Travis Dawn.”