Georgia Tech Logistics Expert Addresses Learners and Leaders Session

Staff Report From Savannah CEO

Monday, August 22nd, 2016

Nearly 40 leaders in local logistics companies had the opportunity to hear Martin Savelsbergh, a Georgia Tech professor and optimization and logistics specialist, at Georgia Tech-Savannah’s Learners and Leaders breakfast series on “Collaborative Logistics: Leveraging Savannah’s Assets in a Changing Environment.”

Savelsbergh described a successful example of a collaborative logistics project he worked on in Australia, the Hunter Valley Coal Export Chain, where all stakeholders in the supply chain turned over management of the system to a single organization. As a result, the system improved its capacity and became more operationally efficient.

“Relinquishing control of the supply chain requires a great deal of trust,” noted Savelsbergh. “But true logistics collaboration requires time, effort and champions to succeed.”

Citing Savannah as one of the fastest growing ports in the country with great connectivity to the market via air, rail and terminals, Savelsbergh noted ensuring effective and efficient logistics here will be challenging given the multiple of stakeholders and transport modes. However, he concluded Savannah has the chance to grow in importance as an international logistics hub and can apply lessons learned in collaborative logistics for future success.

Georgia Tech-Savannah’s Learners and Leaders series is an effort launched in 2014 to help companies in the coastal region stay current. To date, members of the coastal community have heard speakers on topics of relevance to the business community, including mobile apps and malware. The September 15 event, featuring EnviroVac President and CEO Kevin Jackson and Seacrest Partners President David Paddison, will focus on making the most of coaching and mentoring. Learn more at or email [email protected] for details.