Local Non-Profit Receives Grant from BB&T Corporation

Staff Report From Savannah CEO

Friday, August 5th, 2016

The Small Business Assistance Corporation received a general support grant of $4,500 from the BB&T Corporation. The nonprofit small business lender will use the donation to upgrade SBAC’s information technology platform to improve their loan making process. A portion of the grant will also fund improvements to equipment in SBAC’s training facility used by small business owners interested in improving their management skills.

"Ron Weller, retired BBT Vice President and former Chairman of the SBAC was instrumental in helping to obtain the grant from BBT for the SBAC"

Bill Lynch, BB&T’s Savannah Market Executive, said that SBAC’s “commitment to  socio-economic improvement for all citizens through the expansion of small businesses in areas of persistent poverty is a perfect fit with BB&T’s corporate mission of making our communities better places to work and live.”