Lowcountry Down Syndrome Society Launches Newly Designed Website

Staff Report From Savannah CEO

Thursday, August 4th, 2016

The Lowcountry Down Syndrome Society, a nonprofit family support group to benefit people with Down syndrome and their families, is pleased to announce the launch of its newly redesigned website, ldssga.org.

Designed & developed by Chris Mullin of OzzDog Web Solutions with consultation by Tom Kenkel of Kenkel Design, the site offers quick and easy access to essential information through a mobile-friendly, responsive functionality. It also features the newly designed logo by Brennan Hussey, the sister of Sean Hussey, age nine, who has Down Syndrome.

“The new website has a clean uncluttered design, featuring remarkable photos taken by members and staff, along with expanded rich content focused on the nonprofit’s mission,” remarked the organization’s treasurer, Brian Hussey. “The site will be updated on a regular basis with our outreach, education, and advocacy efforts as we continue to champion and celebrate acceptance and inclusion in our community.”

The site also features a blog, which will provide information on a variety of topics. The most recent post is “Seven Guidelines on Referring to Differently-abled Individuals,” detailing the most commonly accepted way of communicating that reflects knowledge and respect for people with different abilities called “People First Language.” Read more at http://ldssga.org/blog/

“We are excited about our new website launch and the wealth of information it will now provide to families and the community,” said Candy Bogardus, president of LDSS. “We believe that the new site will be instrumental in furthering the organization’s mission, allowing us to better connect with those we serve, and allowing them to better connect with each other.”

For more information about LDSS and to browse the new website, visit http://www.ldssga.org/.