Savannah State Student Chosen for Hispanic College Quiz Show

Staff Report From Savannah CEO

Wednesday, August 3rd, 2016

Savannah State University junior business management major Lisa Baez, has been chosen to appear on Hispanic College Quiz, a show that features students answering a series of multiple-choice questions on Latino history. A total of nine students were chosen from a nationwide application process.

Baez is first-generation American, born in Brooklyn, NY. She lived in the hometown of her parents and grandparents, Mayaguez, Puerto Rico, for about 10 years before moving back to the U.S. A military wife and mother of four, Baez juggles work, school and home life so she can make time to study for the quiz. “I took on this challenge so that I can gain more knowledge of my heritage and to also see how well I can do under pressure.” And she has no plans to stop. “After I graduate, I plan to continue my studies and earn my MBA.”

Baez will travel to Nashville, Tenn., at the end of July to tape the quiz show. The winners of the three games will advance as finalists to compete in a decisive game. The three finalists will also be recognized at the Hispanic Association of Colleges of Universities annual conference in San Antonio in mid October. The shows will be aired on English-language television September 13 – October 19.