SSU Student Named White House HBCU All-Star

Staff Report From Savannah CEO

Monday, August 29th, 2016

Savannah State University student Alicia Montgomery has been chosen as a White House HBCU All-Star. Montgomery is a sophomore business management major from Atlanta, Ga. The oldest of five children, she is also the first in her family to go to college.

Montgomery never thought she would continue her education after high school. She joined the U.S. Army and became a signal support specialist. After two years, she was injured and given an honorable discharge. “Being in the military gave me structure and motivation. It made me passionate about education, so I’m excited to work on this initiative.”

Montgomery is the president of SSU’s National Honor Society, president of Sigma Alpha Pi on campus, and spent the summer as an intern with a military financial services firm in Indiana.

A review committee that considers personal leadership, involvement and academic achievement chooses participants. She is the third student from Savannah State to be selected for the White House initiative since the program’s first class joined the HBCU conference in 2014.

During the academic year, Montgomery and other HBCU All-Stars will serve as ambassadors to their communities by providing outreach opportunities and communicating with other students about the value of both education and the program as a networking opportunity.  

Using social media, relationships with community-based organizations, and sessions with industry professionals, the students will share proven practices that support opportunities for all young people to achieve their educational and career potential.

They will also participate in the fall White House HBCU Week Conference, national and regional events, and webinars with initiative staff and other professionals on a range of disciplines.