Sustainativity Donates to Senior Citizens, Inc.

Staff Report From Savannah CEO

Wednesday, August 17th, 2016

SCI -- Sustainativity, a nonprofit organization which raises funds for sustainability projects at Savannah nonprofit agencies, recently donated $11,975 to SCI. The donated money will go towards replacing over 125 light fixtures with high efficiency fluorescent and LED lighting in SCI ’s historic headquarters building at 3025 Bull Street. Savings are estimated to be over $3,000 annually.

"We're thrilled to be able to work with SCI and provide a sustainable solution that will be providing benefits for years to come," said Tommy Linstroth, founder and chair of Sustainativity. "Every penny saved on energy costs can go directly towards providing services for older adults in our community."

Sustainativity held a variety of community event fundraisers this year to help raise money for the overall donation including:

-Green Truck Pub Sierra Nevada Night

-Mattress Dash

-Dub’s Pub Happy Hour

-Green Tie One On