West Rehab Physical Therapists Erin Magaw and Jenna Gardner-Morgan Complete Performing AMA Impairment Ratings Certification

Staff Report From Savannah CEO

Monday, August 8th, 2016

West Rehab physical therapists Erin Magaw and Jenna Gardner-Morgan recently earned certificates for completing the ErgoScience “Performing AMA Impairment Ratings” seminar which took place June 4-5, 2016, in Birmingham, Ala. ErgoScience is a workforce injury prevention and treatment provider focused on employee safety and employer risk reduction.

The “Performing AMA Impairment Ratings” seminar is a two-day workshop designed to train physical and occupational therapists and other clinicians in performing impairment ratings as outlined in the AMA’s Guide to the Evaluation of Permanent Impairment, (4th and 5th Edition).

Upon completing the certification seminar, Magaw and Gardner-Morgan have an enhanced understanding of impairment and disability and the role of impairment evaluation and are able to perform a musculoskeletal impairment evaluation of the spine, upper extremity, and lower extremity; demonstrate a systematic approach for documenting the information used to calculate the impairment rating; and have the ability to prepare a concise, organized report of the impairment and deposition or testimony of their findings.

Magaw is a certified physical therapist leading patient care at West Rehab’s Skidaway Island location and offers both in-office and in-home physical therapy services. Gardner-Morgan is a certified physical therapist and ergonomics expert at West Rehab's Pembroke office, as well as several on-site Industrial location.