Savannah Economic Development Authority President and CEO Hugh Tollison is the Featured Speaker at the Next Savannah Downtown Business Association Meeting

Staff Report From Savannah CEO

Tuesday, September 6th, 2016

Trip Tollison, president and CEO of SEDA, will share updates on economic development, including recent changes to the area’s film industry at the Savannah Downtown Business Association luncheon Wednesday, September 14, at the Charles Morris Center, 10 East Broad Street. Networking begins at 11AM and the program starts at 12PM.  Event registration deadline is September 9 at and cost for SDBA members is $25, $35 non-members and elected officials, $10.

SEDA’s mission is to create, grow, and attract jobs and investment in the Savannah region. The Memorandum of Understanding with the City of Savannah to create a Savannah Area Film office is one such effort to further promote and grow the area.  SEDA’s other efforts include the World Trade Center Savannah, Foreign Trade Zone, Savannah Harbor-Interstate 16 Corridor Joint Development Authority, and Greater Savannah Regional Alliance.

As SEDA’s president and CEO, Tollison oversees all aspects of the organization. Prior to joining SEDA, he was the Savannah Area Chamber of Commerce’s Chief Operating Officer and Vice President. Tollison also has governmental experience, serving as an aide in Georgia and Washington for U.S. Senator Sam Nunn and U.S. Congressman Jack Kingston. He earned his degree from the University of Georgia’s School of Public and International Affairs.

For more information, go to and for registration assistance, please email [email protected] or call 912 660 4718"