A-Town Get Down Announces 2017 Helen Levitt Photography Contest

Staff Report From Savannah CEO

Tuesday, October 25th, 2016

A-Town Get Down Foundation has announced the launch of the Helen Levitt Photography Contest for the 2017 A-Town Get Down Festival. From novice to expert, A-Town Get Down invites you to submit three photos starting October 19th, 2017 to the Helen Levitt Photography Contest. A-Town encourages photographers to freely interpret this year’s theme, “Why I Love Where I Live.” The deadline for the contest will be February 17th, 2017.

The annual contest was named after the iconic editorial photographer, Helen Levitt, whose work focused heavily on the narrative of daily life in New York City. She had the ability to capture art in imagery of the everyday through the lens of her camera.  

Submitted photographs will be viewed by a panel of highly esteemed, influential experts within the field of photography. Four winners will receive cash prizes varying from $100 to $300. Winners will also be presented at Kobo Gallery for the week of A-Town Get Down Festival and will receive a professional grade printed version of their photo.

For more information and to submit your work head to: Atowngetdown.com/the-latest