Georgia Southern to Host First TEDxGeorgiaSouthernU Event Oct. 28th

Staff Report From Savannah CEO

Friday, October 21st, 2016

Georgia Southern University will host TEDxGeorgiaSouthernU on Friday, Oct. 28, 9:30 a.m. – 4 p.m., in the University’s Black Box Theatre, located in the Center for Art & Theatre at 233 Pittman Drive, Statesboro. The theme for this year’s event is “Connecting Creatively.” Registration is now open and available through with limited seats available.

TEDx events are intimate events to help foster dialogue and creative thought by allowing audience members to interact with TEDx presenters throughout the day. Presenters  for this year’s event include two Georgia Southern undergraduate students – Reid Loveless and Jennifer Shaffer.

“Connecting Creatively” allows discussion of connecting with others in creative ways to appropriately address the complex issues we face in the world today.

TEDxGeorgiaSouthernU’s event has embraced this concept by holding the event in the Center for Art & Theatre’s Black Box Theatre. The venue and the event’s networking opportunities will allow audience members to engage with each other as well as TEDxGeorgiaSouthernU presenters. For information on the event and additional speakers, follow @TEDxGaSouthernU on Twitter.

“TEDxGeorgiaSouthernU provides another vehicle to open the door to a global stage that showcases the amazing ideas and creativity of our Georgia Southern community,” said John Banter, associate director of the University’s Office of Leadership and Community Engagement. “In establishing this event, it is our hope to spread the ‘ideas worth sharing’ from right here at Georgia Southern University.”