United Way of the Coastal Empire is Set to Help the Local Disaster Efforts

Staff Report From Savannah CEO

Wednesday, October 12th, 2016

United Way of the Coastal Empire is set to help local efforts of its funded agencies who are on the front lines of disaster response of Hurricane Matthew and provide assistance to victims affected by the disaster.  Donations will be accepted to support response and recovery efforts related to the disaster. 

United Way will provide financial support to its funded agencies to address infrastructure, supply, and other immediate needs that impede the agencies’ ability to bring services back to the community and/or respond to increased demands.  Priority of funding will be given to agencies that provide basic human needs, such as food, clothing, shelter, and caregiver services.  Additionally, United Way continues to provide individuals and families in crisis through United Way 2-1-1.  Residents can call 2-1-1 to connect with direct services and request for immediate needs.

You can help by giving to United Way.  To donate, visit www.uwce.org/give, call 912-651-7700, or mail check or money order to United Way of the Coastal Empire, 428 Bull Street, Savannah, GA 31401.

United Way HandsOn Savannah connects volunteers to response and recovery organizations who need them most.  To volunteer, visit www.handsonsavannah.org.