City Research Library and Municipal Archives Presented with Award for Excellence

Staff Report From Savannah CEO

Wednesday, November 2nd, 2016

Chancellor Henry M. Huckaby and Georgia Historical Records Advisory Council Chair P. Toby Graham presented the City of Savannah Research Library and Municipal Archives, the Georgia Southern University Department of Sociology and Anthropology, and the Shinhoster Youth Leadership Institute with the GHRAC Award for Excellence in the Educational Use of Historical Records during the fourteenth annual GHRAC Archives Awards ceremony at the Georgia Archives on Wednesday, October 26, 2016.  The GHRAC Awards recognize outstanding efforts in archives and records work in Georgia.  

When four interpretive panels were unveiled by the City of Savannah on May 11, 2016, one in each of the four Cluskey Embankment Stores (or, vaults) east of City Hall, the public ceremony was the culmination and conclusion of a nearly five-year collaborative project of archival research, archaeological investigation, physical preservation, and historical interpretation. The project included a host of participants of various ages, educational levels, professional disciplines, and public responsibilities, all of whom had been involved with, and committed to, a unique educational experience in civic engagement and youth leadership development coordinated by Luciana Spracher, Director of the City of Savannah Research Library and Municipal Archives. 

The project, “The Cluskey Embankment Stores Project, 2011 – 2016: Civic Engagement and Youth Leadership Development through History, Archaeology, Preservation, and Interpretation,” had many moving parts. The four arched vaults of the Cluskey Embankment Stores have been used by, fascinated, and mystified both Savannah's locals and tourists for nearly 175 years.  Now they are a documented, maintained, and interpreted historic site, adding value to their Factors' Walk and Savannah Riverfront locale after providing valuable “real-world” educational experiences to elementary through graduate students in historical research, archaeological investigation, civic engagement, community leadership, and perseverance to see a worthwhile project through to completion.