Cool Savannah Announces Exciting New Collaboration with Tiffani Taylor Gallery

Staff Report From Savannah CEO

Friday, November 11th, 2016

Cool Savannah is proud to reveal details of its new collaboration with Tiffani Taylor, a renowned artist from the historic district of Savannah. The symbolic heart of the collaboration is a new Scent from Savannah candle that honors Tiffani Taylor’s signature red poppy. This soy-based candle will be made in Savannah and made available at Cool Savannah (in-store and online) as well as at Taylor’s gallery.

“We’ll be officially announcing this new candle and our collaboration,” says Mike Scarpati from Cool Savannah Tours & Gifts, “at the November Savannah Art Walk, held on Saturday, November 12th at 2 p.m. Nobody needs a personal invitation to attend. You just need to RSVP.”

A select group of Scent from Savannah candles contain label artwork by Taylor, and she hand paints the title of each of those particular candles in a watercolor font. “I’ve always wanted a candle line,” she says, “because a lit candle symbolizes the presence of divinity and allows us to share light, which represents hope. So, when I met Mike and his family, I discovered that we have similar energy and intent, and our collaboration organically blossomed.”

Scarpati calls their partnership a unique one between an artist and a candle artisan, adding that their “philosophies, personalities and visions align.” He also shares that retailers interested in carrying the candle line should contact him.