Local Employers Invited to Economic/Workforce Networking Event November 3rd

Staff Report From Savannah CEO

Wednesday, November 2nd, 2016

Coastal Georgia Indicators Coalition, Chatham County, City of Savannah and other local economic and workforce development partners are hosting an Economic/Workforce networking event on Thursday November 3, 2016; called PIECING TOGETHER the TALENT PIPELINE. All local employers are invited to attend.

The goal of the event is: To promote the community goal of building a prepared local workforce by connecting business leaders to education and training resources and understanding workforce issues to better meet employer needs. Proposed outcomes: (a) Open the lines of communication between workforce development programs and businesses so that programs can better understand and meet the needs of the employer; (b) Gain knowledge to better refer job-seekers and job-providers to appropriate organizations; and (c) Gain awareness of the services and access to the pipeline that stems from local workforce programs

The agenda includes a panel of workforce development providers and employers who will share success stories; as well as resources from service providers to support employers seeking individuals that meet industry demands.

Event will be held at the Eckburg Auditorium at Savannah Technical College (5717 White Bluff Road). Check-in and breakfast begin at 8:00 am with the program from 8:30 am to 10:00 am.

The event is free but online pre-registration is required by November 1: http://www.eventbrite.com/e/piecing-together-the-talent-pipeline-tickets-28024128924.