Rep. Buddy Carter to Make Home Care Visit with THA Group on November 9th

Staff Report From Savannah CEO

Wednesday, November 9th, 2016

In September 2016, the National Association of Home Care & Hospice announced a challenge to its members – to get all 100 U.S. Senators, and as many members of Congress, on a home care or hospice visit during this 2018 election. Years of reading about partisan bickering and gridlock have convinced many Americans that members of both houses of Congress are out of touch with the needs of their constituents and communities. In the home care and hospice community, the stakes are too high for this to continue.

At the invitation of company President and CEO, Ellen Bolch, on November 9, 2016, Rep. Earl L. "Buddy" Carter (GA-01) will visit THA Group's Island Health Care to see firsthand the compassionate, high-quality, cost-effective work that it provides to patients. As a pharmacist and former Board Member of THA Group's not-for-profit Island Hospice, Rep. Carter is a strong supporter of the home care and hospice community. “As a lifelong health care professional, I know how critical home care and hospice is for patients and families across the country," said Rep. Carter. "I am excited to visit THA Group’s Island Health Care to see this important work first hand.”

As NAHC President Val Halamandaris has said, "With the 78 million baby boomers coming into their Medicare years, Americans must come to grips with the need to assist them in managing disability and chronic disease. The facts are clear: 5 percent of Americans are responsible for 50 percent of U.S. health care costs, and 10 percent of Americans who need help managing long-term chronic conditions account for 75 percent of the bill."

There is no solution to America’s health care crisis without the home care and hospice community, which provides the best services at the best value. America needs home care and hospice now, but with the rising wave of the Silver Tsunami, we will need them even more in the future.