Victory Drive Corridor Study Phase III Draft Recommendations, Community Meeting Scheduled November 17th

Staff Report From Savannah CEO

Friday, November 11th, 2016

The Chatham County-Savannah Metropolitan Planning Commission, on behalf of the Coastal Region Metropolitan Planning Organization, announces the second community meeting for Phase III of the Victory Drive Corridor Study, which will focus on the area of Victory Drive roughly between Bee Road and Skidaway Road:

Victory Drive Corridor Study, Phase III
Thursday, November 17, 2016
6:00 p.m.
First Presbyterian Church
520 Washington Avenue, Savannah

The meeting will include an overview presentation of the draft recommendations, followed by interactive exercises and conversation focused on land use/urban design, landscape, and transportation.  “This area of Victory Drive, which includes the Truman Parkway interchange, presents many complex challenges,” said Jane Love, MPC Project Manager.  “We are looking forward to sharing the draft recommendations with the wide array of community stakeholders for their input and feedback.”  The final report will be completed by the end of the year.

The Phase III focus area was identified in Phase I of the study as the area of the corridor most affected by years of commercial development and increasing traffic.  The purpose of this phase of the study is to identify and recommend policies and strategies that will help realize the goal of restoring and protecting Victory Drive as a treasured, symbolic boulevard with a sense of place.

The Chatham County-Savannah Metropolitan Planning Commission, on behalf of the Coastal Region Metropolitan Planning Organization, recently completed Phases I and II of the Victory Drive Corridor Study.  The Victory Drive Corridor Study focuses on the preservation and restoration of the historic, commemorative landscape of Victory Drive and incorporates contemporary, complete streets solutions while balancing the need for continued mobility.  More information about the study can be found at

For more information, contact Mark Wilkes, P.E. AICP, Interim MPO Executive Director, or Jane Love, AICP, Project Manager, at 912.651.1440.