Savannah Tech Foundation Raises $7M for College

Staff Report From Savannah CEO

Monday, December 5th, 2016

The Savannah Technical College Foundation announced it has raised the most money ever in private funds to support the college - $7,273,184 – at its 13th annual Opportunity Gala. The event honoring technology had more than 200 in attendance.

“Thank you to all who have supported Savannah Technical College – Where excellence really does meet opportunity,” said STC President Kathy Love. “We thank you for believing in us with your financial support. We appreciate your continued support in hiring our graduates.”

STC Board of Trustees Chairman Sam McCachern announced a total of $500,000 in new major gifts recently received by the college.

Love recognized campaign leadership including Jim LaHaise, Stratton Leopold, Howard Morrison, Donald Lovette, Dick Eckburg, Bob Jepson, Arthur Gignilliat and Arnold Tenenbaum.

“We appreciate your leadership and insight to making our campaign a success,” she said. “We pledge to continue to be worthy of your respect, good will and financial investment.”

The campaign, “Where Excellence Meets Opportunity” showcased the Savannah Tech’s excellence in instruction through opportunities it provides students. The college offers opportunity based on accessible, valuable career education in more than 150 different programs.

Its excellence has been earned through statewide and national recognition in many key areas, as the Technical College System of Georgia 2013 Technical College of the Year and as one of the top four TCSG colleges in 2014. STC faculty have also been recognized beyond state borders as leaders in their fields.

“In my opinion, Savannah Tech is probably the greatest asset this community has,” said Dick Eckburg, STC benefactor and one of the campaign’s volunteer chairmen.

“People from all ages, all walks of life go to Savannah Tech. Not only do they learn skills, but they also learn the dignity of work. Graduates are helping to make our society a better place.”

The campaign focused on five key areas: precision manufacturing, health sciences, culinary arts/heritage tourism, technology and student support. It was led by the Savannah Technical College Foundation, a 501(c)3 organization that raises funds to support Savannah Technical College.