Alderman Van Johnson Re-elected to the National League of Cities Board of Directors

Staff Report From Savannah CEO

Wednesday, January 4th, 2017

Alderman Van R. Johnson, II of Savannah, GA was elected to the National League of Cities board of directors by NLC’s membership at the group’s annual business meeting recently. Johnson was elected to his fourth one-year term and will play an important role as a leader of the nation’s largest and most representative membership and advocacy organization for city officials.

“I am blessed to again be elected by my peers to serve this great organization,” Johnson said. He added, “This means that Savannah remains at the national table, particularly with the change in Presidential administrations. Our national relationships will continue to benefit Savannah locally.”

In his role on the Board, Johnson will meet throughout the year to guide NLC’s strategic direction and set the organization’s advocacy priorities and operational goals. Board members are selected by a 15-member nominating committee, and are confirmed by a vote by NLC’s membership.

“The National League of Cities board of directors serves a critical role in guiding our organization’s priorities and policies,” said Clarence E. Anthony, CEO and executive director of the National League of Cities. “I want to thank the members elected to the board for their service to our organization, and look forward to working with them during an important year for the nation’s cities.”