Buddy Carter Appointed to the Energy and Commerce Committee

Staff Report From Savannah CEO

Friday, January 6th, 2017

Congressman Earl L. "Buddy" Carter (GA-01) was appointed to serve on the powerful Committee on Energy and Commerce in the 115th Congress. The Committee on Energy and Commerce, the oldest standing legislative committee in the U.S. House of Representatives, is vested with responsibility for the nation's telecommunications, consumer protection, food and drug safety, public health research, environmental quality, energy policy, and interstate and foreign commerce. 

In announcing the appointment, Speaker of the House Paul D. Ryan said, "Buddy's insight will be extremely valuable to the committee as the only pharmacist in Congress. Since the day he became a Member of Congress, he has wasted no time offering his unique health care expertise in hopes of creating a better system for all patients. In a new year with great opportunities, I am excited to see his talents utilized on Energy and Commerce to make things better for all Americans."

As the home of two of the fastest growing ports in the country, a recently-permitted LNG export facility, energy development, and Environmental Protection Agency Superfund sites, the Energy and Commerce Committee's work is of great importance to the First District of Georgia and the entire state. As a member of the committee, Carter will better serve the people of the First District, the State of Georgia, and the entire nation. 

"I am thrilled to have this opportunity to serve on the Committee on Energy and Commerce," said Carter. "As a lifelong health care professional, I believe it is my duty to use my knowledge and experience to help all Americans and I believe it will be best utilized on this committee. Additionally, the committee has jurisdiction over critical issues for Georgians, as well as the entire nation, beyond health care. As a member of the committee, I will work on issues related to trade, manufacturing, energy, the environment, and telecommunications. I can't wait to get to work on these issues that are so critical for our local jobs, economy, and environment."