Downtown Streetscape Initiative Community Meeting Scheduled for January 17th

Staff Report From Savannah CEO

Friday, January 13th, 2017

The City of Savannah launched the first phase of the Downtown Streetscape Improvement Initiative in December, which will include improvements for Broughton Street, Bay Street, and River Street. All members of the community are invited and encouraged to attend the second community meeting on the project:

Downtown Streetscape Improvement Initiative – Meeting 2: Overview
January 17, 2017
6:00 p.m.
Coastal Georgia Center, 305 Fahm Street, Savannah

“We were very pleased with the turnout for our first meeting for the downtown streetscape initiative in December,” said Bridget Lidy, Director, Tourism Management & Ambassadorship Department for the City of Savannah. “This meeting will move us into more detailed discussion and present initial concepts and elements that reflect Savannah’s unique character.” The project team is led by EDSA in conjunction with many local partners.

This public meeting will address downtown streetscapes as a whole. Results from the online survey will be presented and a synopsis of the “Discovery Meeting” will be compiled to illustrate what we have learned. Overall program elements will be introduced and 30% Conceptual Design Progress will be presented during this meeting. Consensus building activities will encourage community members to express any merits and concerns. Future meetings are scheduled throughout the spring of 2017. The City’s website,, includes more information and a link to sign up for email updates.

Phase One of the Streetscape Improvement Initiative will seek to improve three of historic downtown’s most prominent streetscapes – Broughton Street, Bay Street, and River Street, between Martin Luther King Jr. Boulevard to E. Broad Street – to create a rich and exciting pedestrian realm. The proposed street improvements will build on the best aspects of great streets in the U.S. and abroad, while capitalizing on Savannah’s highly visible location and landmark destination.