DX Marketing Relocates Headquarters to Historic Site

Staff Report From Savannah CEO

Thursday, January 26th, 2017

Savannah’s DX Marketing is moving its headquarters from 223 Martin Luther King Jr. Boulevard to the former St. Benedict the Moor Catholic School located at 554 East Gordon St. in Savannah’s historic district. Originally built in 1907 as an all-black Catholic School run by Franciscan nuns, the three-story brick building is currently owned by the Roman Catholic Diocese of Savannah. DX Marketing will occupy the entire second floor, encompassing approximately 2,000 sq. ft. One other tenant, local interior decorating firm Rethink Design, occupies the first floor.

At the first of the year, DX Marketing moved its print operations from the Parkway Business Center on Chatham Drive to Statesboro, Ga. as part of a merger with Lewis Color. A second Savannah office located at 223 MLK Boulevard next to the Savannah College of Art & Design was too small to accommodate DXM’s growing staff, and prompted the move to a new office.

“The building’s historic, classic look and feel – along with ample parking and pedestrian friendly neighborhood – has our entire team excited and energized,” said DXM VP of Business Development Lisa Owens. “The move comes at a perfect time because there has been so much positive momentum taking place in our company for the past year.”

Reminders of the original school are seen everywhere with the original hardwood floors and wainscoting beautifully restored throughout. The original classrooms, located in each of the four corners of the building, will be outfitted with workstations where employee teams will operate. DXM is having custom designed doors built for each of these “classroom” spaces that feature glass inlay in the top half and solid wood in the bottom. The design harkens to an earlier period when the glass allowed administrators to observe inside the classroom while school was in session. A common area featuring a lounge and coffee station will connect the four office spaces.

Upfitting of the space is expected to be complete near the end of January after which time DX Marketing will move in. Initially, 15 employees will work from DXM’s new headquarters office. Another 25 employees work at DX Print in Statesboro, an additional 5 employees work from DXM’s office in downtown Greenville, S.C., and 11 employees telecommute from other cities across the U.S.