National Sales Manager Hired at Visit Savannah

Staff Report From Savannah CEO

Thursday, January 5th, 2017

Visit Savannah has hired Kellie Linder as national sales manager handling accounts based in Chicago and other major markets in the Midwest and Western states. Linder starts with the organization Jan. 3, 2017, and will work to identify new convention, meeting and tradeshow business for the Savannah area.

Senior Vice President of Sales Jeff Hewitt is pleased with the decision to bring Linder onto the Visit Savannah sales team. “Kellie brings a great deal of experience and knowledge to the position, having worked in both sales and management roles for both major brand and boutique properties,” he says. “Her local knowledge made her an ideal candidate for this position.”
President Joseph Marinelli also emphasizes Linder’s local hospitality industry knowledge. “We are pleased to welcome somebody with Kellie’s experience in the Savannah marketplace.  She is both well-liked and well-respected by both her clients and partners, which will help her to be successful quickly in this new role.”

Prior to accepting a position at Visit Savannah, Linder held several sales and management positions at Savannah area hotel properties, including Hotel Indigo and the River Street Inn. She also comes with sales experience from Peachtree Hotel Group and Prince Bush Smith Hotels.