Art Rise Savannah to Unveil Mural in Starland District by Artist Mary Lacy February 3rd

Staff Report From Savannah CEO

Thursday, February 2nd, 2017

Art Rise Savannah is excited to announce a new partnership with national artist Mary Lacy starting this week. Lacy will work with Art Rise Savannah and members of the neighborhood to produce a 13x40-foot mural depicting four native Georgia bees.

On Friday February 3rd, during the First Fridays in Starland, Mary Lacy invites the community at large to join in and help paint parts of the mural from 6pm to 9pm. For those interested in volunteering at other times please contact Clinton Edminster at [email protected].

On Tuesday, February 7th at 3pm Mary Lacy will also hold a workshop at Starlandia's Space Station just a block away from the mural. The workshop is free and geared toward youth and adults both. Attendees will learn new techniques developed by the artist and work on a group mural of their own. For more information contact Starlandia Reclaimed Creative Supply.