Richmond Hill and Bryan County Represented at Georgia Tourism Day

Staff Report From Savannah CEO

Thursday, February 2nd, 2017

Christy Sherman, executive director of the Richmond Hill Convention & Visitors Bureau, recently attended the Capitol for “Tourism, Hospitality and Arts Day,” along with other representatives from the Georgia tourism industry. Attendees presented Governor Nathan Deal with a check demonstrating the $3 billion in state tax revenue generated from tourism-related expenditures for the year.

“The impact of the industry in Georgia is $59 billion,” said Sherman. “In Bryan County alone, tourism supports 376 jobs, generates nearly $43 million in direct tourist spending and creates $1.7 million in state tax revenues and generates $1.3 million in local tax revenues.”

As a result, each Bryan County household receives $263 in tax relief per household, as a result of the taxes generated by tourism economic activity.

The annual event, a collaborative effort between several public and private organizations including the Georgia Association of Convention & Visitors Bureaus, Georgia Agritourism Association, Georgia Arts Network, Georgia Hotel and Lodging Association, Georgia Restaurant Association, and Georgia Department of Natural Resources, highlights the larger travel and tourism community during the legislative session.