Third Generation General Contracting Firm Expands Business by Partnering with Alair in Savannah

Staff Report From Savannah CEO

Wednesday, May 24th, 2017

For Walter Strong, general contracting is a career that has been passed down through generations. The Strong Group has been in business in Savannah, Georgia since 1952. And ever since Walter stepped in the helm in 2010, he knew that he wanted to expand his reach in a smarter way. That’s why when Alair reached out to him about a partnership opportunity, the timing couldn’t have been better.

“Scalability is one of the biggest challenge that general contractors face. Since my Grandfather started this business 65 years ago, the traditional growth model has been too risky in our competitive industry. Now that there’s a proven model catching on in the general contracting space, the door to growth is wide open,” said Strong. “Alair is bringing a level of innovation back to the industry that has been missing for years. By streamlining the back end of my business and creating a more transparent environment between myself and my clients, I’m confident that I’ll be able to grow far beyond previous limitations. This is about creating a business model that allows me more time to work on growing and improving my business, rather than being bogged down by day-to-day operations.”

Since its founding in 2007, Alair has been helping homebuilders, renovators and remodelers expand their reach as entrepreneurs. Through its unique business model that boasts state-of-the-art technology—including its Client Control™ system that gives homeowners access to real-time information surrounding the progress being made on their home—the brand has been able to create a level of efficiency in the general contracting industry that hasn’t existed before.

By partnering with Alair, franchisees are able to manage the back end of their businesses through the brand’s consolidated services. That then allows entrepreneurs to focus on growing their businesses in their own territories by bringing on more project managers and potentially even opening up more offices. Alair’s system is designed to easily track projects and reports so that contractors can be in the field focusing on current and future projects, and interacting with their clients to ensure that operations are running smoothly.

Encouraging transparency between contractors and clients is another way in which Alair is helping entrepreneurs grow their businesses. The brand’s ability to streamline the construction process and ensure that homeowners are being updated on key factors like cost and budget every step of the way is more attractive to potential clients, and stands out from the competition.

“Our number one priority when working with highly successful contractors like Walter is helping them take their business to the next level. Removing the economic risks and constraints that even the most successful and respected contractors experience is the backbone to the Alair advantage. It is affirming to know our innovative systems and strategies continue to attract the caliber of professionals such as Walter. Savannah and the surrounding region is a special and unique market and we are very proud to have Walter as our partner to help deliver the Alair difference to homeowners and other contractors alike,” said Rob Cecil, Alair’s chief development officer. “With nearly 90 offices open and many more offices slated to open in the summer and fall, it’s clear that our system is working in a variety of different communities. We’re looking forward to bringing even more passionate contractors into our system as we expand in new markets.”

As Strong continues to convert his existing business into an Alair franchise, he’s relying on the brand’s network of other local owners in addition to its corporate team to guide him through the process. And so far, it’s clear that partnering with the brand is going to put him in a position to grow significantly in the months ahead. Strong says that by working closely with Alair, he’s anticipating adding the best project managers to his team who share his drive to push their limits.

“Teaming up with Alair is giving me the opportunity to grow far beyond anything I ever imagined. Before, recruiting top tier project managers was challenging because there weren’t many people who were willing to dive into operations without extensive corporate support. But when you can offer them Alair’s proven and simple system, signing on is a no brainer. Now, I’m working with project managers who have the potential to one day run their own office,” said Strong. “That expertise and strong brand name is ultimately what my partnership with Alair brings to the table. Alair isn’t changing my business—it’s adding a layer of strength to the foundation we already had.”