The Sons of the Revolution for the State of Georgia Announceds State Officers for 2017
Staff Report From Savannah CEO
Thursday, July 20th, 2017
The Sons of the Revolution for the State of Georgia has announced their State officers for 2017.
President, Frank Hardeman III
First VP, Capt. Roger Coursey, Ret
Second VP, General Steven Westgate, Ret
Secretary, Darvin Nease
Treasurer, Robert Missroom
Registrar, Charles Williams
Historian, David Dickey, Esq.
Surgeon, David Thomas MD
Solicitor, Judge Lamar Davis
Color Guard, Steven Westgate
Nathanael Greene Rep, Marshall Kent
Regional VP Roger Coursey
Chaplin Gilbert Wells
If anyone is interested in joining or learning more about the Sons of the Revolution, please email Charles Williams at or call Frank Hardeman at 912 691 2888.